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Container Security Devices – The tools to securing and monitoring shipping containers during transportation!
What are Container Security Devices? Container Security devices are the security locks and other tools used to enhance security of shipping containers while on the move to prevent thefts or fraudulent activities. Container security is not just about restricting access...
7 reasons you cannot ignore supply chain visibility!
Are your CRM and ERP systems sufficient to make sure that products reach their destination efficiently and in perfect quality?Are they enough to give you needed supply chain visibility? Gone are the days when managing the global supply chain was linear and simple....
Container monitoring to increase tobacco traceability across the supply chain
The time has come, manufacturers of tobacco products moving cargo in EU member states are required to have traceability systems in place as of May 20, 2019 As tobacco is one of the most highly taxed commodities, organized crime groups find it attractive, as lucrative...
IoT and big data to streamline the Supply Chain Industry!
Big Data and IoT technologies is a widely discussed topic that is on the agenda of supply chain professionals. This is due to an increase in the number of connected devices to the internet. Actually, the physical devices which are joined to the Internet of Things...
How to choose a supply chain visibility provider?
Global supply chains are becoming more complex every day and with complexity comes uncertainty. While supply chains are exposed to disruptions at an unprecedented level, the daily work of supply chain professionals is still largely dependent on outdated processes,...
Fashion supply chain: supply chain visibility to streamline it!
“One day it’s in and the next day it’s out” – a popular phrase that often resounds when the fashion & apparel industry comes to mind. To relate this to our day to day life, each one of us has more clothes today than we had 10 years ago. No wonder, the same...
Food supply chain: Trends to know if you are dealing with food logistics!
The evolution of technology in all the industries including the food supply chain is pushing the boundaries of digitalization and has changed our day-to-day lives in all aspects. Did you think years ago that you would be able to turn on your ceiling fan from your...
How IoT and Big data are accelerating the supply chain industry?
IoT and Big Data are becoming one of those technologies that are being incorporated into our daily lives as the number of devices connected to the internet is increasing at a fast pace. Physical devices connected to the internet, so-called IoT devices, share a huge...
Data Loggers vs IoT Enabled Supply Chain Visibility Solutions
Technology is advancing at a fast pace, and operating with the old technology can hold back a company while innovation outsmarts each passing day. With the accelerating rate of technological change comes the accelerated rate of obsolescence. Data logger technology is...
Cold-chain management in supply chain: A step towards better environmental sustainability
Ever wondered the amount of food waste and the impact it has on environmental sustainability? Around one third of the food that is produced globally is wasted — either spoilt in transit or thrown out by consumers in rather wealthier economies. This waste results in at...
The New Silk Road: What should shippers of goods expect from the new era of Trans-Eurasian Freight Forwarding
The New Silk Road is a resurrection of the ancient trade route called to action by President Xi Jinping. Its purpose is to reinvigorate the once ancient commerce relationship between the east and west and to streamline the transport of goods from Asia to Europe by...
Supply chain visibility solutions: The key to mitigating food supply chain risk
Improving supply chain transparency is a high priority for companies, especially in industries such as the food and beverage industry where consumers and regulators are pushing for more information on how products are made and transported from the point of manufacture...
How Can IoT Help to Make Supply Chains More Sustainable?
In a 2016 report, the global consulting firm Ernst & Young proclaimed that “supply chain sustainability can no longer be ignored.” The report, titled “The state of the sustainable supply chain,” was based on interviews with supply chain, procurement and...
Arviem solves the challenges of obtaining visible and intelligent trade by offering real-time end-to-end cargo monitoring services. As the only full-service provider for real-time cargo monitoring on the market, Arviem provides exceptionally accurate location and quality condition monitoring of cargo throughout the global supply chain. Our leading-edge solution will provide global supply chain stakeholders with on-demand access to real-time, transport-related data.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 885924
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Haldenstrasse 5, 6340, Baar, Switzerland
info (at) arviem.com