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Safeguarding Your Cargo: How Arviem’s Real-Time Security Monitoring Prevents In-Transit Theft
In today's globalized world, the efficient movement of goods across various modes of transport is crucial for businesses. However, with the increasing complexity of supply chains and the rise in organized crime, ensuring the security of cargo during transit has become...
Track Your Air Freight with Monitoring Technology – Ensure Visibility in All Circumstances
In the fast-paced world of air freight, monitoring technology plays a crucial role in maintaining visibility for your shipments. With advanced monitoring solutions, you can now keep track of your air freight effectively, regardless of external circumstances. Stay on...
Container Security Devices – The tools to securing and monitoring shipping containers during transportation!
What are Container Security Devices? Container Security devices are the security locks and other tools used to enhance security of shipping containers while on the move to prevent thefts or fraudulent activities. Container security is not just about restricting access...
Cargo condition monitoring in transit: Reducing waste and damages in cocoa supply chains
Cocoa beans belong among the "most sensitive" types of perishable cargo vulnerable to unfavorable external factors. Cocoa is hygroscopic in nature, meaning it can absorb moisture from the air. When not dried properly, it also releases a lot of water vapor during...
How to protect solar panels from damage during transit
Solar PV panels are fragile, and even perfectly produced panels can get damaged, scratched, or non-functional due to poor logistic services. Statistics show that almost 5% of panel damages occur during shipping and transportation. 80% of globally installed solar PV...
When container tracking alone is not enough for visibility in supply chains
A container tracking system is a vital tool to support the daily work of logistics and supply chain teams. By keeping track of the movement of all ocean shipments on one platform, container tracking systems such as the one offered by Arviem bring much-needed...
How has the New Silk Road freight train become a viable alternative to ocean and air for shippers
New Silk Road freight train is part of China’s Belt and Road initiative - one of the largest economic developments ever planned. Covering more than half the world’s population, across 65 countries and 30% of the global economy, it is a key pillar of the country’s...
How monitoring shocks in transit in real-time can support your supply chain operations
Ever wondered the conditions your goods are exposed to while they travel several modes of transport, including truck, rail, air, and sea, involving multiple hand offs? Impact, shocks and other unfavourable conditions may endanger the goods' safety and quality while in...
Do you know the value of freight visibility for your supply chain?
Freight Visibility is no longer the best-kept supply chain secret, it’s a must. It has and continues to be a high-priority area for investment by supply chain professionals. As shippers have deepened interest in the safe and secure transit of goods to meet critical...
A smart container or smart device for containers – what fulfills your organization’s need for real-time cargo monitoring?
In the times of the digital revolution and changing supply chain requirements, shippers need more information than ever before. Supply chain stakeholders place more importance on the need for improved visibility to identify the inbound flow of goods to satisfy higher...
Common inefficiencies of logistics networks and how visibility helps to address them!
With the ongoing trade challenges due to the ongoing pandemic, certainly global supply chains will be going through significant changes, including changing suppliers around the globe, setting up new trade lanes, changing transport modes, etc. As a result, optimizing...
Moisture and Condensation as a Challenge for Cargo in Transit – How to deal with it?
Each year, countless tons of cargo is stored and transported across the globe in various shipping containers. With millions of containers carrying trillions worth of goods making their way across the globe’s oceans, shippers, importers, exporters are tasked with...
Inventory Optimization – Knowing what’s happening in the supply chain can solve the challenges!
As we’ve previously highlighted, the supply chain is a collection of 300-year-old processes. Even with automation, many of the parts that make up modern logistics are not actually that new. Look at inventory, for instance. The digitalization of the supply chain might...
Arviem solves the challenges of obtaining visible and intelligent trade by offering real-time end-to-end cargo monitoring services. As the only full-service provider for real-time cargo monitoring on the market, Arviem provides exceptionally accurate location and quality condition monitoring of cargo throughout the global supply chain. Our leading-edge solution will provide global supply chain stakeholders with on-demand access to real-time, transport-related data.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 885924
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Haldenstrasse 5, 6340, Baar, Switzerland
info (at) arviem.com